Monday, January 10, 2011

I'm Running a Half Marathon (or, Yes, I've Finally Lost My Mind)

Well, after years of saying I was going to do it, I'm finally going to do it: I'm running a half-marathon. It's the Inaugural Alton Half Marathon on March 26. I've already paid the $50 entry fee and, since I'm cheap, I got no choice; I have to do it now.

My guide for this momentous event (we all get medals...yay!) is  Apparently, one is supposed to have 18 weeks of training to go from piece-of-crap slob like myself to someone who can finish 13.1 miles without praying for death. I have around 12 weeks. The goal is to finish. That's it. I'm not aiming for a time or finishing order. I just want to finish the thing.

I will using my blog here to chronicle my stupidity, er, training for the next couple months. To find the information easier (that is, if you actually care), scroll down to the tag cloud and click on 'marathon'. That will bring you to my deathwish pages.

And to answer the no. 1 question I've received since announcing this, no, I'm not drunk. Just bored. Unemployment will do that to you.

This will also be the location of my obituary for everyone who is going to say, "I told you so."

Training begins tomorrow. I can do this. I am Superman. I can do anything.


  1. First, I'm proud of you. Second, if you think for one minute about not doing this then remember this, I'll curse you and they'll outlaw the sales of Jack Daniels and steak anywhere you live. Anywhere! Cross the line buddy!

  2. Hell yeah! All that matters is crossing that line. You'll experience every emotion when the day of the half marathon comes, from pure vitality, to utter frustration, to elation, to 'eff this' I quit, to satisfaction. You can do it, man.

  3. You guys are awesome. I'm doing this.
